
Jeff Buckley

So … according to BBC News & RTÉ Entertainment there is a Jeff Buckley biopic in the works. I am a huge Jeff Buckley fan, and I was excited to hear that news. After some contemplation though, I don’t know how I exactly feel about the whole idea of a film on Buckley’s life.

Most biopics are way off one way or the other, and I was very scarred by the recent pseudo-biopic by Gus Van Sant of Kurt Cobain’s “Last Days.” The rumor is that indie director Brian Jun has been tapped to helm the project and Buckley’s mom Mary Guibert will be extensively involved. I kind feel like the movie will be too glossy, and totally miss anything gritty, as Guibert has fiercely protected Buckley’s image.

Rather than some exalting movie on Jeff Buckley’s life, I would take more music from him any day. I know that I’ll probably see the film if it gets made, but I would rather leave his music speak for him. Here's hoping for the best.

BBC News Link

RTÉ Entertainment Link

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